The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011

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I'm looking for a fic that I can't remember the name of, who wrote it, which fest it was for....nothing.  *sigh*  And it's driviing me crazy (as short as that trip is).  It's post-war and Severus owns a potions business the name is Black Raven Hill ('s not but something along those lines).  Remus is working as a curse breaker in the muggle world  and tracks Severus down for help with one particularly problematic item.  It turns out that Remus has been supplied his wolfsbane by the same potions business (he writes effusive thank you notes every month to the potion's brewer not knowing it is Severus).  Severus buys some supplies from Longbottom's gardening/herbology business and as I recall he's involved with Ginny.  They get together for  a spell and then  angsty stuff occurs.  Harry and Draco get married somewhere along the way.

Am I vague enough?!  lol!!   Sound familiar to anyone? 

Thanks in advance!!

ETA: Solved by awickedmemory over on lj!! Thanks everyone for playing! *g*
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