The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 10th, 2011

October 10th, 2011

BLU2: On the Tower/Apocryphal Tales of Romance and Wonder

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Title: On the Tower/Apocryphal Tales of Romance and Wonder
Artist/Author: Omni/busaikko
Rating: Art - PG, Story - NC17
Word Count: ~15,000
Summary (story): After the war, Severus receives a surprising inheritance and legacy from Dumbledore.

Mod Notes: Omni is one of our multi-talented community members. You might remember her Japanese AU story from last week, and now you get to view some of her gorgeous art. A little birdie also reminded me that Omni is working on original fiction! After a long period of intense ship involvement, we now usually only see busaikko once a year during Snupin Santa. But after a plaintive cry from *cough* someone, she stepped in to write for BLU2 like a Snupin Superhero!

love, lore

BLU2: Observing Chess/Once again, and always

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Title: Observing Chess/Once again, and always
Artist/Author: Shadowycat/Bookofjude
Rating: Art - G, Story - PG13
Word Count: ~7800
Summary (art): Snape and McGonagall are playing chess while Lupin looks on.
Summary (story): Things always happen in the background. What lies behind Remus Lupin's scars?

Mod Notes: Shadowycat's fourth and final art piece in BLU2. She continued to work on this piece and sent me an update well after the art deadline because she just wasn't satisfied with one detail in the piece. Now you know what high attention and level of detail she puts into her work, too!

In fact, her work made a perfect match with Bookofjude, who is a careful, detailed writer in his own right. He has just a few pieces for Snape/Lupin under his belt, but he hangs out with us in the Lupin_Snape Chat Room almost daily and always tries to be helpful with the technical aspects of IRC. Please give him a warm reception for his work on BLU2!

love, lore

BLU2: Against the Wall/Eggs and Coffee

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Title: Against the Wall/Eggs and Coffee
Artist/Author: Ghot/Littleblackbow
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - R
Word Count: ~6000
Summary (art): Snape has his back against a wall and he's grabbing Remus by the hair and arse, drawing him closer.
Summary (story): Remus goes to collect himself and try to figure out his life going forward after the war. While out in the woods, he reflects on what was probably the most meaningful relationship in his life.

Mod Notes: Ghot's third and final piece for BLU2. Ghot almost immediately stunned us with her art several years ago. I don't think I've had my mouth closed since! What I admire about this piece is that it's so deliciously naughty while still falling well within a PG13 rating. Littleblackbow stepped into a writing roll for this piece. She's written some extraordinary fiction for exchanges, and this story fits right into her oeuvre.

love, lore

BLU2: A Little Magic/Too little, but not too late

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Title: A Little Magic/Too little, but not too late
Artist/Author: Karasu_hime/Dungeons_Master
Rating: Art - G, Story - NC17
Word Count: ~8400
Summary (art): Remus and Severus have been shrunk. Remus is researching while Severus angrily tries to cast counter-spells. Sirius looms in the background.
Summary (story): Once again, Remus finds himself in trouble because Sirius can't keep his mouth shut. Severus is not pleased, but Remus will find a way to show him that there can be good in every circumstance.

Mod Notes: Karasu's third and final piece for BLU2. Read her artist notes; she cooked this piece up for some interesting reasons. We have to convince her to post an art sequence someday, showing the progress of a piece from concept to finished work. I've seen her in action and it's truly something to behold!

Dungeons_Master is another writer that we usually only see a few times a year, but her writing improves almost every time she posts. It's been exciting to watch her work develop and grow. She lives in Italy and is an excellent baker, which I know because the pictures she takes of her sweets look so yummy. ^_^

love, lore

Fic: The Inheritance; R (4/24)

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Title: The Inheritance

Author: [info]shadowycat

Rating: R

Cast of characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Nymphadora Tonks.

Warnings: OCs, AU, First Person POV

Summary: Things hadn’t gone well for Remus Lupin since the end of the war, so he didn’t think he could afford to pass up an unexpected inheritance from someone he’d never met. Of course it turned out there were a few strings attached, including having to share his surprise windfall with Severus Snape. Not that Snape was particularly happy about that...

Disclaimer: The recognizable characters and settings in this story do not belong to me. No monetary gain is sought... just amusement.

Notes: I decided to be generous this time around and allow everyone to survive the war which, even if I hadn’t fudged around with a few other small things, would be more than enough to make this story AU.

The story is complete but, because it’s fairly long, it’ll be posted at a rate of two or three chapters a week.

Many thanks to Dizilla/Diana Moon for her excellent help as beta. It’s much appreciated. Any remaining errors are mine and mine alone.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

BLU2: Making Music/Unhinged Harmony

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Title: Making Music/Unhinged Harmony
Artist/Author: Zephre/Snapealina
Rating: Art & Story - PG
Word Count: ~5400
Summary: After the second war, Severus and Remus live in the Muggle world. Something is bothering Remus and to Severus' great frustration, he turns to his piano for comfort.

Mod Notes: Zephre has been a member of Lupin_Snape for 3+ years (and she might tell me longer!). In that time, she's produced and incredible body of art, which includes a big chuck of Snape/Lupin. However, she also is a big Merlin fan, with lots of art in that fandom, too! Snapealina's name is popping up often here at the end because she embraced BLU2 with total enthusiasm. She was the perfect writer for this piece because she's an utter Wizard Rock junkie!

love, lore

BLU2: Carry/Don’t Say What You Don’t Mean

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Title: Carry/Don’t Say What You Don’t Mean
Artist/Author: Littleblackbow/Azurerosa
Rating: Art - PG, Story - PG13
Word Count: ~5000
Summary: When Remus declares his feelings for Severus their hitherto carefully maintained balance crumbles.

Mod Notes: Littleblackbow's second entry is full of humor and warmth, much like its creator. She's been terrific about jumping in to help out whenever art or stories are needed for various Lupin_Snape activities, although she also has a deep love of all things Sherlock Holmes. Azurerosa has very quietly been my hand-holder throughout the BLU2 experience, and I couldn't have made it to this point without her. Her writing is also growing by leaps and bounds, although even I wish her muse would be a little more cooperative. Hee!

love, lore

BLU2: Mini-BLU and wrap-up!

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Title: Up in the Clouds
Artist/Author: Fabledtruant/Snapealina
Rating: Art & Story - G
Word Count: ~1000
Summary: Remus tries to surprise Severus. Bad idea.

Title: Chin
Artist: Fabledtruant
Rating: G
Summary: An older Severus tips up Remus' chin.

Mod Notes: And that concludes another round of the Snape/Lupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer and Uncut - Art Focus! Whoo!!! *round of applause*

Artists and Authors, please hold off on reposting your work until November. Remember, you can always respond to the comments left for you on the site, and you should also check the LJ/IJ/DW entries, as there might be comments there as well.

Viewers and Readers - Now is your time! These artists and authors have either been waiting months for you to see their work or they stepped in at the last minute to create amazing pieces in a short amount of time. In other words, they're all more than deserving of hearing from you if you go view their work. Remember, even a one-word post like "Thanks!" means the world to creators.

Also, remember, on the BLU site, the printer icon at the top left gives you a print-friendly version of the work to save or print.

I think that's it! I want to again deeply thank all the artists and writers that were involved in BLU2, as well as those of you who have commented already. Without you all, none of this crazy, mixed-up fandom stuff works. If you have any questions or needs, please let me know. Otherwise, all that's left is the hugging: *HUGS ALL*

love, lore


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Hello [info]memmesdreams, please check in with Snupin Santa!
snupin_santa @

Looking for a beta for Thursday/Friday

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Hello, all you lovely Snupinteers, Snupin Lovers, Snape and Lupin Aficionados, and all those with Snupiny Goodness Inside!

ETA: The lovely [info]bk7brokemybrain has answered my call! I really am very lucky to belong to this wonderful group!

The nitty-gritty... )

Many thanks!
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