The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 14th, 2011

September 14th, 2011

BLU2: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit....

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For this piece, one chapter a day will be posted through Friday. We'll have a short fic on the weekend.

Title: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit and Ensnarement of Captain Severus Snape, Pirate
Artist/Author: Ghot/Arionrhod & McKay
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - Hard R
Word Count: Total: ~44,000; Chapter 1: ~17,000
Pairings: Remus/Severus/Regulus and combinations thereof

Summary: Captain Severus Snape has one goal in life: to retrieve his ship from the man who stole it. But chasing Sirius Black to the City of the Caesars and getting his ship back will be simple compared to the challenge of resisting two men who are determined to make port in Severus' heart.

Mod Notes: Ghot is back for this Art Focus BLU with the first of three pieces! She's been delighting the members of Lupin_Snape with her art since 2007 (I think!). This might very well be one of the last Snape/Lupin pieces from Arion and McKay, as they are embarking on an original publishing journey. Whoo hoo!

love, lore
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