The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 9th, 2011

September 9th, 2011

BLU2: Admin notes & our first Art/Story

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First, the fine print, then the fun! --->Artists, now that you can see how your work is being presented, if you'd like to send me titles or additional notes on your art, do it ASAP because I'm still uploading.

Readers, welcome to Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 2, the Snape/Lupin Big Bang's Art Focus! (Boy, that's a mouthful!) In this round of our Big Bang, Art is in the spotlight. Artists turned in pieces months ago, and writers have used that art as inspiration to write stories of 5000 words or more.

Both art and stories are housed at the BLU web site, but I'm going to present the BLU works in a different way from our first round, where all the stories and art were revealed on the site on the same day. Instead, I'm going to roll the works out slowly over the next couple of weeks so you'll all have plenty of time to read and respond to each art/story set.

Remember, the artists have been waiting months for their works to debut, and many of the writers aren't far behind. Letting people know you looked or read is important. While I encourage you to join the BLU web site as a member for commenting, you're also welcome to come back to the community posts to leave your comments as well.

Finally, there's a printer button at the top left of every work. You can click it to read or download art or stories as one page or file. Also note, there are other site skins (layouts) if you find the default problematic in some way. Questions? Ask away!

Our first art/story set is non-magical AU. Because it's 18,000 words, it will be the only story posted before Monday, September 12. In the future, I might post even longer stories by chapters over several days if I can manage it. There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Office Scene/The Newcomer
Artist/Author: LittleBlackBow/Tossukka
Rating: Art - PG, Story - NC17
Other Characters: With Lily, Minerva, Dumbledore & other Marauders
Summary: "Do you have any idea how much gossip this is going to cause if it ever becomes public?"
Warnings: Graphic sexual situations, strong language

Mod Notes: This is the second time LittleBlackBow has participated as a BLU artist, and she has another piece that will be featured later, as well as a story - amazing! Many of you will recognize Tossukka under her Snupin Santa pen name: Sitruunavohveli. She is Finnish and angsts over writing in English even though we'd never know the difference. ~_^

love, lore
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