The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 1st, 2011

September 1st, 2011

The Answer Was Love

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Title: The Answer Was Love

Summary: "This isn’t magic — it’s logic — a puzzle. A lot of the greatest wizards haven’t got an ounce of logic; they’d be stuck in here forever." What if Remus, who has being trying and failing to befriend Severus for several years, learned of Severus’ affinity for logic puzzles? What if after befriending him, he fell in love and decided that maybe the only way to Severus’ heart was through his brain?

Timeline: Post war, both lived, the Tonks train wreak never happened and thus no Teddy.

Pairings: Friendship and eventual Snape/Lupin Pre-slash so far, but it might eventually become full blown slash. Background Harry/Hermione.

Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste! Also all of the puzzles in this story are real and actual logic puzzles that I have solved in various computer games with the obvious exception of the Rubik’s cube which I played in reality. None of the puzzles mentioned hereafter are my intellectual property and at the end I will give credit where credit is due for each in order of appearance.

Puzzle: The Bishop Swap originally came to my attention in the computer game "The Seventh Guest" though I suspect they didn't invent it. Should you wish to play the puzzle yourself you can find it here: ( Note that it is actually solvable in 36 moves, but don't expect to manage that without a lot of practice and/or a walk-through for the puzzle. I'd love to hear how you do on the puzzle should you decide to give it a whirl! :D The other puzzle mentioned didn't seem to have a name as far as I could tell so I called it "The Queen's Dilemma" and I also found it in "The Seventh Guest".

Rating: pg?

Warnings/kinks: none yet unless mind games, both literal and metaphorical, count. Sneaky Remus, sneaky Severus, courtship, drama. Also I switch POV between the boys; hopefully it will be simple to tell whose head you’re in. This is a WIP, but I have most of the beginning and about half of the end done, I just need to do the middle and the very end. I suspect I will post a section a month without any real breaks as I've quite the backlog. :)

Author: [info]azure_rosa

The Answer Was Love, part five )
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