The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 27th, 2011

July 27th, 2011

Drabble/Drawable Night Announcement

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Ok, I'm doing another two-fer this month. This Friday 7 P.M. Pacific time (10 P.M. Eastern) and Saturday 10 A.M Pacific time (1 P.M. Eastern) I am going to be running our monthly Drabble/Drawable night in the Lupin_Snape chat room. Please feel free to pop in and play or even just cheer the players on! :D Also drabbles or drawables written for drabble night and re-posted to the comm (appropriately tagged as such) do count for the Decade of SS RL challenge.

All Is Not Lost - Video

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Here is a cool music video. I've added a special message at the end, so be sure to watch the whole thing.

Let it load all the way and then click on "FULL". The video should then begin to play.

This link is playable in Google Chrome, so if you have that you shouldn't have any problem seeing this. Enjoy! :)
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