The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 15th, 2011

April 15th, 2011

Drabble Night Reminder

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Drabble/drawable night officially starts in chat in 2 hours. Remember: watchers are more than welcome to cheer on the participants! If you have any questions, just comment here or pop into chat, I should respond quickly to either method. :) Feel free to pop in early, if enough people do we will start early!

My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawable Night

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Title: My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawble Night
Summary: Five "drabbles" written in chat for the monthly Drabble/Drawable night.
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste!
Rating: all but the last are pg-13 or lower, the last is probably an R
Warnings/kinks: Un-betaed
Author: [info]azure_rosa

My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawable Night )
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