The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 24th, 2011

January 24th, 2011

Mod Post: Snupin Santa wrap, LDWS contest beginning, Etc.

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Last of the [info]snupin_santa wrap-up:

-> Snapealina won the official guessing poll! In statistical news, more people mixed up McKay/Scribbulus_Ink's and Arionrhod's entries than any other, but the most outright wrong guesses went to "Lost and Found and Hardships of a Teenage Metamorphagus" by Dungeons_Master.

-> Speaking of Statistics, the absolutely fabulous [info]swissmarg put together a lengthy set of statics on the Snupin_Santa exchange, and even compared it to other exchanges. Did you know that we had no G-rated fics? Or that our art-to-fic ratio was 42%? If you're a math nerd like I am, you can't miss her stats post! (Don't forget to comment, plz)

Last Drabble-Writer Standing (snupin_ldws) sign-ups are this Wednesday, January 26, 6 p.m. EST. There is a 16-participant limit, so be ready or find a proxy. I volunteer to be one if you can't find a friend who will be on. Just contact me.

Despite all my nattering at the poor mod in the info post I linked, I know [info]isisanubis has a lot of experience running LDWS contests. I'm confident that you'll be in good hands if you want to play along in any capacity; the community needs readers who will vote, too, as well as writers.

I've added the tag "drabbles: LDWS" on both Lupin_Snape Communities for the posting of LDWS info and re-posting of any contest drabbles.

End of the month is coming soon. Have you submitted anything for the Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin yet? I am thinking of allowing a one-time catch-up month in the summer, so if you've missed a month already, don't give up!

Reposting & Commenting month continues! I am still happy to gather up recs for the newsletters if you're making them. Art Big Bang announcement next (or, technically, above this one)!

love, lore

BLU2: Art Focus rules, info and sign-up post!

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Updated Deadline: March 13 for art and writer sign-ups

Snupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 2, Art Focus

Here we go! I finally figured out how this should run, and it is going to be just a little different than other Art Bangs out there. The idea of an Art Focus for our second Big Bang means the artists step into the driving spotlight, presenting their works to inspire writers, instead of the other way around.

Art and stories will be presented together with reveals on the BLU web site. As a participant, if you make an account there, you will have the ability to respond to comments and make other minor changes.

  • Jan. 24: Artists and Writers sign-ups begin today

  • March 13: All sign-ups close and Art is due!

  • March 15: Writer assignments out

  • April 15: First Draft writer deadline

  • May 1: Final Draft deadline

  • Reveal: June 1 or when all art has a matching story - this is allowing for Pinch Hitters
FAQ for Writers and Participants under the cut! )

General notes )

Writer Notes )

I'm also going to need some trusted volunteers to help me with this. I could use someone to help in the email account (but only if you are good at using Gmail and Google spreadsheets) and someone to read over all the fic. If someone knows E-Fiction well, I could use your expertise as a consultant or admin. I'll be honest, I'm only going to hand out passwords to people I know or who have a loooong fandom history or a really good recommendation from someone I know or recognize from fandom. But readers, especially, can be forwarded mail, so you don't have to be experienced to help read.

In case it's not clear, running BLU2 is a massive undertaking for one person, which I know it may be. Go easy on me and really read this post before asking questions. All that said, if you have issues, if I left something out, if you feel some element is going to keep you from participating, let me know in reply here or in an email. I have definitely moved away from the other art Big Bangs by trying to keep this as anonymous as possible until the reveal. I reserve the right to make adjustments to these rules, but if I do, I will make a separate announcement on the community. My hope is that everyone will have a sense of excitement and fun participating in BLU2: Art Focus.

Finally, please spread the word about this Big Bang: Art Focus far and wide. If you have friends that don't normally draw for Snape/Lupin, please point them over here and ask if they might be interested. The same goes for writers, especially those that love to write for art.

Here is a link to the banners and icons and buttons made for our first BLU, which I think are still good, although if you wish to add Art Focus or BLU2 to yours, please feel free. Even the text area is updated, so feel free to use it.

So, thanks, everyone. I hope this has you interested in participating! Again, please let me know if you have questions or issues. All that said:

Sign-ups are now open! Reply here after reading the Notes Cut that applies to you! Please do make a sign-up post if you're thinking about participating. It would be good to know the rough ratio of art and artists to writers that we're going to have.

love, lore
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