The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 20th, 2011

January 20th, 2011

Fic: And Sometimes Darkness, part 9, SS/RL, R

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Title: And Sometimes Darkness
Author/Artist: undun
Rating: mature/adult content, R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry et al.
Summary: After the War against the Dark Lord, some are left behind. Not forgotten by everyone, as Severus Snape finds out.
Disclaimer: Not-for-profit fan creation.
Warnings: I hate warnings. There may be unpleasant stuff in here. There, that’s it. Anything else would be a spoiler.
Notes: A story that didn’t begin its life as an AU, but is now certainly in that category.
Words: 2,726

And Sometimes Darkness, part 9 )

snupin_ldws on LJ

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I'm starting snupin_ldws over on livejournal. The lovely lore suggested I also post here. So, this is what I have going on:

Hello Snupin shippers!

I’m gearing up to launch the first round of snupin_ldws next week. The community is set up, and I have a wealth of prompts to choose from, so the inaugural round should be amazing.

* Sign-ups for Round One of snupin_ldws will be held Wednesday January 26th, at 6 pm Eastern (US time).

* The first sixteen people to sign up will be our participants this round.

* Standard ldws rules will be followed.

* We're requiring you to read the rules, even those of you who have played in ldws before. There's a random word in the rules you must post with your sign up

If anyone’s interested, I’m looking for banners to pimp with. There's also a mod account, if anyone has questions.

I hope to see several of you next week. You’re welcome to join the community any time.
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