The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 3rd, 2011

January 3rd, 2011

A Thank You to Snupin Santa and Her Elves (Art; G)

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To Snupin Santa and her lovely elves,

I really look forward to the Snupin Santa fest each year, and I appreciate all the hard work you do to make it possible. I have a little gift under the cut. It's far less than you deserve, but I hope it will make you smile. Thanks so much for making my December so special. ♥

For Snupin Santa and her elves )

Art/Handcraft: Dodecahedron Calendar of 2011 BY DAN

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Title: Please don’t run away, Professor Snape! (Calendar)
Artist: DAN
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snupin
Rating: G
Happy New Year everyone~ (Though a little bit late…)
Here is DAN’s latest art, a dodecahedron calendar of 2011, I’m posting it on her behalf~
Thank you,
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