The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 18th, 2010

November 18th, 2010

Fic Search!

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Hi kind folk of the community!

Silly me read this fic and forgot to save it. Now I seek your help in my search for this fic: post-Sirius' death, Remus needs time to grieve, but everyone does not give him space, therefore, he finds ways to help out Snape with his work, eventually even cleaning up his office and room. There is this part where Snape comments that even his books are cross-referenced. Remus tells him of his pain and Snape helps him by suggesting that he be sent on a mission, but the six months he is away, Snape finds that he misses him.

When Remus gets back, he gives Snape a present and Snape thinks long and hard to make his present not seem like a present and shows Remus his special hiding place in the Forest. In short, Remus and Snape get along and everyone thinks that they're dating. Snape doesn't realize it until he overhears Ron and Harry discussing this. When he confronts Remus about this, Remus is not surprised and is kind of sarcastic, saying that from the fact he's alive people are deducing that they were dating. Snape asks him when this dating process started and Remus replies that it was since the time Snape showed him the special hiding place.

I'm sorry if I'm long-winded, would really appreciate any help I can get! Thanks in advance!
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