The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 9th, 2010

September 9th, 2010

A Night of Drabbles [PG to R]

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A Night of Drabbles

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG to R (for suggestiveness)
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Given prompts, the imagination went wild!
Challenge: Snupin Chat Drabble/Drawble Night – 9/5/10 to 9/6/10
Word Count: 100-plus-a-few for each drabble
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Drama; Humor
Warnings: none
A/N: A wonderful way to spend a Sunday night/Monday morning in September 2010!

Given the company, there was no way I could help but write, and laugh, and smile!

Fantasy Fest 2010: A New Day by countesszero

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Title: A New Day Has Come
Beta: [info]azure_rosa
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~10.000
Warnings: Implied rape and blood, maybe light angst.
Prompt: # 26. While working as a double agent Severus endures physical and sexual abuse at the hands of Voldemort. One night he returns broken and battered.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe is in its entirety the property of J.K. Rowling. I am making no profit by this story.

Dear Fantasy Fest Mods, Dear Lore!
Apologies for my belated submission! Thank you for allowing me to post despite my lack of time management skills.

Dear Azure Rosa,
Thank you very much for your lightning speed beta-work! You're the best!

Dear Prompter!
I apologise for the unfortunate lack of sexual activities but promise herewith to include lots of it into the sequel I am already outlining!


A New Day )

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Title: Unrestrained
Rating: This part PG-13
Character(s): Remus/Severus
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2010
Word Count: 1,355

Disclaimer: Her characters, her money, my story
Warnings: Unbeta’d, no sex, Not DH compliant.

Notes: Apologies to the prompter and the mod.  Sorry for the delay.  I really do know what day it is…just not the time!  Part one of three.

Prompt: Spontaneous, uncontrolled magic is something which usually only happens to untrained children, and S has always prided himself on his control. But after the war and his recovery from Nagini's poison, it's been happening to him with increasing frequency. The last time was nearly a disaster and he goes into hiding. R decides he knows what's wrong and barges in to help. Humor, lemons and a happy ending, please!




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