The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 7th, 2010

July 7th, 2010

Fantasy Fest: Need those prompts!

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Prompts have been trickling in slowly since Fantasy Fest was announced, but we definitely need more if we're going to offer creators a decent list to choose from.

Now that we've come through the US holiday weekend, it's not too late to get your prompts in. Remember, we need prompts in the following categories:

• Stories
• Art
• Drabble/Drawable

You can offer up to two prompts in each category, just be sure to make a new post for each one and state the category. The prompt post is screened, so there's no reason to be shy. Just try to think about what you would love to see in a Snape/Lupin piece and write it out for us. It's your fantasy fest, after all.

Again, prompt numbers are super-low! Please take some time to prompt by Noon on Friday (July 9). And there's still time to spread the word, too. Thanks!

love, lore
P.S. I'll be hanging out in chat in the evenings the rest of this week if you'd like prompt-writing help or inspiration.
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