The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 21st, 2010

January 21st, 2010

Repost Month; Fic: FMLYHM (1/?...maybe)

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This was previously only posted on my locked lj, under the Snupin filter. I wrote this back when I was supposed to do something for the '09 Dark Fest (prompt: Sirius/Remus), but things happened and I never got around to finishing it. Honestly, not entirely sure I think it's worth finishing. We'll see.

(Working) Title: FMLYHM
Rated: hard R
Pairings: RL/SS, SB/RL
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them. Fic (working) title taken from the Seether song of the same name (cut text is lyrics from the song).
Summary: Sometimes "perfect" isn't what we want. Sometimes, what we really want is something flawed and broken and dangerous.
Warnings: Not much for this part. Sex with Sirius (hey, I'd consider that a warning...), lies, deception, perhaps a cliche or three
Note: If you've never heard "FMLYHM" by Seether, I recommend it to my fellow Snupiners (song is NWS). It always makes me think of the rough, dark, gritty aspect of Snupin. I love it.

You come around when you find me faithless )
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