The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 28th, 2009

December 28th, 2009

Art: What's Written In Blood, for hiddenfantasy

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Title: What's Written in Blood, for hiddenfantasy

Warnings: a little blood

Summary: I have an alternate version (shaded differently) that I ended up not liking as much, but you're welcome to have after reveals are up. I think I spent more time on this piece than any fest so far, and I tried a whole bunch of new things, so I hope you like it, I was really proud of it. May it brighten your holiday season!

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)/mildly NWS

Prompt used: ART: Remus and Severus standing in the kitchen of Spinner's End. Remus and Severus have their shirts open/off, exposing their chests. Both have cuts on their index fingers. There are red runes on Severus' chest and Severus is holding Remus' gaze as Severus draws the same runes on Remus' chest, over his heart.

Notes: The two runes I ended up going with were, Ingwaz for family love, and Eihwaz for defense, protection.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

Story: Bungle in the Jungle, for lore

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Title: Bungle in the Jungle, for lore

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: After being stranded in the middle of nowhere, temperamental chef turned TV host Severus Snape develops a new-found appreciation for his capable right-hand man, Remus Lupin. Non-magical AU.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: Happy Snupin Santa, lore! Based on the following prompt: "AU, magical or not up to author. Snape is a travel/food writer sent on a big assignment to a thought-to-be-safe exotic land with capable, knowledgeable, kick-ass assistant Remus. Whether they know each other or not up to whether you choose magic or non-magic AU. Snape's mouth gets him into trouble and it's his Guy Friday, Remus, to the rescue. Smexy action-adventure."

Word count: 36810

Graphic: Fluidity Layout, for sweetmelodykiss

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Title: Fluidity Layout, for sweetmelodykiss

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: I mixed two of the prompts given. Artwork is based on her Lupin/Snape drabble titled Fluidity. Background is a modified stockart that will be credited properly after the reveals. This is intended for a 1200x800 screen resolution. I do hope you enjoy this, and if any modifications (either via the background image or the actual html) need to be made to better suit your eyes, feel free to comment and I will make adjustments. Happy Holidays!

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Notes: A preview journal is here, and the zip file with necessary images is here.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

Story: Love, Confusion, and Fateful Choices, for stasia

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Title: Love, Confusion, and Fateful Choices, for stasia

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Life is full of choices and Severus has to make a lot of them.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Warning: mpreg

Word count: 7345
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