The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 20th, 2009

December 20th, 2009

Story: For One More Chance, for arionrhod

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Title: For One More Chance, for arionrhod

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: He didn't tell anyone where he was going that day, nor did he tell them what he was planning to summon. At best, they'd have called him mad; at worse they'd have locked him up for dabbling in such ancient, restricted arts. Not that he really cared. Remus was on a mission, and he'd do anything to get to Severus. Even risk his soul in a seemingly impossible wager with Death.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: Warnings: None, really... Sexual situations, some language Prompts: I combined two, with some slight modifications:
1. Fic - Remus survives because only silver can truly kill a werewolf, although regeneration takes several days. When he comes "back to life" he finds out Tonks and Severus are both dead, and that Severus wasn't a traitor after all. Having only married Tonks because he was grieving over Albus and Severus, whom he had loved secretly for years, Remus makes a daring decision - to use a Dark Magic he'd heard about during his years of wandering to pass into the afterlife and bring Severus back. The only problem is that he has a mere twenty four hours to convince Severus to return, or else they will both be trapped in limbo forever! Angst fine, but happy ending a must!
2. Fic - Remus has no memory of who or what he is; finding himself wandering alone in a cold, dark place, he stumbles upon a small house where a man lives alone. The stranger takes him in, albeit reluctantly, and as Remus is nursed back to health he finds that he develops feelings for his rescuer. Little does he know that this is no stranger, but Severus Snape, a man scorned and hated for his crimes. The amount they may have known each other before is up to the author, but I'd like to see a reluctant, possibly damaged Severus being slowly won over by Remus. Whether Remus regains his memories is up to you, but a happy ending, please!

Word count: 9842
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