The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 13th, 2009

December 13th, 2009

Story: A Cup of Kindness Yet, for snapelike

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Title: A Cup of Kindness Yet, for snapelike

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Prompt: Historical, non-magical AU, set in either Victorian or Industrial England. Please no nobility/manor stuff. Also requested was: AU/AR magical or non-magical. Romance, angst, dark as long as there is a hopeful ending (can be death). AU, Bonding and werewolves. H/C, physical disability, love under difficult circumstances.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Notes: I chose the non-magical AR (so no werewolves) and also chose not-too-dark. So I hope this little holiday tale provides at least a bit of what snapelike wished for.

Warnings: non-magic AU, h/c, past-tragedy, violence, and foul language in the way of racial epithets which the author does not normally use nor finds in any way acceptable.

Disclaimer: Just borrowing Rowling's characters for a while for non-profit purposes.

Word count: 13714

Chat tonight?

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I'm going to be in the chat room for a few hours tonight. If you'd like to come in and squee over [info]snupin_santa or Stuff the Stockings, or anything else, feel free!

love, lore
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