The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 10th, 2009

December 10th, 2009

Story: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, for moreteaplease2

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Title: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, for moreteaplease2

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Life begins to unravel for Severus Snape when a figure from his past shows up to wreck havoc. Can Remus Lupin be just the salvation he needs?

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Warnings: mentions of past drug abuse, previous minor-character death, low levels of violence and swearing.

Word count: 22668

A Dream Within a Dream, for osmalic

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Title: A Dream Within a Dream, for osmalic

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus goes on a journey through a strange land.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

A/N Note: Thank you so much to my wonderful betas. I couldn't have done this without you. Also, the picture is a photo manipulation made by me. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank a special someone for her help with the prompt, and for reading through the very first draft of this story. Your thoughts and ideas for this fic greatly affected the finished story. *hugs*

Prompt: fic/art: Snape and Lupin. CHRISTMAS THEME. Make my heart melt with snark and eggnogs. I live in a tropical country, so either make them celebrate Christmas in a heat wave, or make me fall in love with snow and cold. You're choice, as long as it's in the spirit of waffy! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character within this story. All are owned by J.K. Rowling. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Word count: 7214
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