The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 5th, 2009

December 5th, 2009

Story: A Romance, for busaikko

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Title: A Romance, for busaikko

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Busaikko wanted a non-magical AU, supermarket-aisle paperback romance with unusual careers. Here it is, sweetie, and I hope it brings to you a fraction of the pleasure your fics have given to me.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Canon characters pop in and out of the story, and while (hopefully) the personalities are true to canon, the relative ages aren't.

Notes: Thanks to betas T and E, and to the most wonderful N, cheerleader, hand-holder, and nit-picker. You guys rock.

Word count: 34812
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