The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 30th, 2009

November 30th, 2009

Recipe Project: Oysters Leviosa

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Title: Voyage of the Leviosa

Author: [info]busaikko


Lupin had with him Mr Snape and the seaman Diggory & the Other man suffering of his Head and Died the next day & was buried. Their boat was quite Lively, which goes to prove that a diet of Oysters & Coconuts is Vitalising to the Humours. I recommend it Heartily to you and Draco our Son. – excerpted from a letter of Captain Lucius Malfoy as recounted in "The Voyage of HMS Leviosa" by the inimitable [info]busaikko.

Oysters Leviosa )


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Title: Takes the Cake

Author/Artist: Arionrhod, MacKay

Excerpt: With a pen containing an edible ink, Remus began to carefully write out on the delicate paper his recipe for minestrone soup, a time consuming task, but one that he thought would be well worth the effort.

Commentary: Well, it is self-evident why I chose this recipe, isn't it? And this recipe of "Minestrone con Pesto" is one of my favourites, I thought it could well be Remus' too. The instructions are a bit long, I doubt they would fit on a small piece of rice paper, but maybe he was summarizing it!

Source: "The Ethnic Vegetarian Kitchen", by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff

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