The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 27th, 2009

November 27th, 2009

Recipe Project: Easy Brownies

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Title: The Way of the World

Author: McKay ([info]scribbulus_ink)

Commentary: McKay's "Way of the World" contains some wonderful domestic scenes between Snape and Lupin in the kitchen, where, for example, Lupin teaches Snape how to cook (and survive) in the muggle world.

McKay already posted a great recipe from the story, so I hope no one minds that I'm posting one for brownies inspired by this delightful scene:


"Laugh at me, will you?" Severus snarled. "You'll pay for that!"

And suddenly, Severus reached into the bowl, scooped up a huge handful of batter, and advanced on Remus.

"No -- Severus, you wouldn't!" Remus stared at him, wide-eyed, as he began backing away.

"Oh, wouldn't I." Severus' voice was a silky purr now, but his smile was pure evil.
Remus couldn't help but think that batter-covered Severus would have been even better. )

Easy Brownies recipe )

Moonshadow update

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Stories added to Moonshadow, the Snape/Lupin archive, during the past two months:

Title: Alpha Male (29 K)
Author: sweetmelodykiss

Title: Back (4 K)
Author: astopperindeath

The archive is located at

Also, the Crack Broom masterlist-by-author is now current.

ART: Smooch, PG

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Title: Smooch
Author/Artist: [info]jin_fenghuang 
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a sweet little kiss
Warnings: none
Notes: This drawble is for [info]r_grayjoy  , who writes the most awesome limericks ever XD

Smooch! )
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