The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 25th, 2009

November 25th, 2009

Recipe: Hershey's "Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Cake

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Title: Takes the Cake

Author/Artist: Arionrhod and McKay

Excerpt: [Remus admired] the large photographs of cakes which decorated the corridor. They were all winning confections from past shows, and he couldn't help a small feeling of pride at the sight of his own two winning creations. He always did his best to create cakes which tasted as good as they looked, and he rather thought that his own specialty, which was fondant, made his compare quite favorably to the other winners...

...When Severus entered the conference room in the wake of his network liaison, Pansy, he swept his gaze around the room, curious to see whom he'd be competing against since the network had kept the participants list hush-hush. He'd only competed against one of them - Potter, whom he considered an arrogant little snot - but he knew the other two by reputation. It took considerable will power not to roll his eyes at the sight of Trelawney, whose works were praised as being "avante-garde", but which he called "artsy-fartsy". He'd take great satisfaction in seeing her eliminated, especially since he could scarcely believe she'd scraped a win to qualify her to be here in the first place.

He was better pleased by the sight of the third competitor; he'd never competed against Lupin, but he'd seen the man's work in other competitions, and he could - albeit grudgingly - admit that Lupin had deserved his wins. Severus himself had two photographs of winning cakes hanging on the wall of fame he and Draco had passed on the way in, which put him ahead of Trelawney and even with Lupin, if he remembered correctly.

Commentary: Well, it's cake! Granted, it's not as cool or as fancy as those created by the competing chefs in the story, but still... cake!

Source: Hershey's Classic Recipes cookbook

Hershey's  )

Fic Search

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Oh my dearest Snupineers, I don't do this often... but it is driving me (and Zephre... who I've bugged) CRAZY.

I'm looking for a fic where Remus is confined to a wheelchair, and Severus is forced to care for him. Dark!Harry, who is clearly trying to both keep Remus secluded and get Severus thrown into Azkaban.

Help??? Pwease?


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Arionrhod and I are looking for a story that's Remus/Severus/Regulus, but it starts off with Remus and Regulus together, not Severus/Regulus, and Severus was brought in later. Remus hated the way Sirius was treating his brother, and he and Reg got involved. Marauders Era, not very long (we think).

Any help would be appreciated!
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