The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 14th, 2009

October 14th, 2009

Story: "Spooky Little Girl Like You"

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Arionrhod and I have been kicking around the idea of writing a story set in the future of the RPG Remus and Severus we've been playing together since 2004, focusing on the next generation of Snape kids, and finally, we did it! This story focuses mostly on Cymbeline Lupin-Snape, but Remus and Severus have a significant part in the second half of the story.

If you're interested in reading it, but you've never read the Snark and Bark RPG, the story stands alone well enough that you won't miss much. All you really need to know is that the game began before books 6 and 7, and Severus and Remus have an extended family.

Spooky Little Girl Like You, by Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: PG
Summary: Cymbeline Lupin-Snape is happy with her life just the way it is, but when her brother introduces her to one of his friends, she finds her comfortable life being turned upside-down.
Content: Alternate reality, het
Word count: ~52,000
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