The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 28th, 2009

August 28th, 2009


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I'm back for my second round!

The Sad

Shapes in a Shadowbox (by [info]eponis)
(PG, 5,200 words)
One story about Snape and Lupin: two men and a world all to themselves.
Remus tells a story, and we're all sucked.

Variations on the Half-Blood Prince (by [info]schemingreader and [info]busaikko)
(PG, 700 words?)
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the two shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth.

Note: I always make a note to rec this to anyone looking to read something Snape/Lupin. This was posted a few weeks (days?) after The Half-Blood Prince came out. Imagine all the tension. Then imagine this.

The Ballad Spell (by [info]schemingreader)
Remus marries Tonks, and Severus comes to bid him farewell and nevermore go there.
Note: This has two other stories (linked from the fic) but it stands alone. I remember shedding tears over this.

The Happy

Of All Sad Words of Tongue Or Pen (by [info]rowen_r)
(PG, 5,000 words, hints of other pairings but not much)
Note: (CP'ed from my rec in [info]crack_broom.) If you're looking for a wonderful and heartfelt post-Deathly Hallows fic, this is it. "Of All Sad Words..." has the right amount of snark, intelligence, bitterness, and happiness: all the myriad of feelings you, as a Harry Potter reader, encountered during the seven books at one point or another. For me, this fic is like closing a book. It's like taking that first step to the end of a journey. It's like finally coming home.

Please Define Sloth (by [info]nimrod_9)
(NC-17, 100 words)
Note: Amazing and perfect hotness in just 100 words! Unf, 100 words...mmmm...

Pluma Draco (by [info]lupin_fanatic)
Note: Remus and Severus are in an established relationship, but don't really talk about their pasts...until now.

Auld Acquaintance be Forgot (by [info]fedzgurl91)
(PG-13, 13,000 words)
Lily Evans-Potter has gotten tired of being a spectator in the lives of her loved ones. Aimed with a plan and her own cunning and determination, she’s granted one month to end the loneliness she’s been watching her two best friends suffer from – by trying to bring them together before the New Year.
Note: I cheated! This was a gift to me for Snupin Santa. Every time I need a laugh, I just read this.

The One Where We See Snape and Lupin in their Element and Listen to PUNK MUSIC

How Severus Snape (Didn't) Kill Nymphadora Tonks (by [info]pixychelle)
(PG-13, 8650 words, het + slash)
Clearly, she needed to die. Severus knew several ways to make that happen. Of course he did.
Note: It's such a small mention, but I love the story of how Severus is jealous of Tonks, Tonks is kind-of-manipulative, and Remus is just embarrassed. Also? Severus and Tonks bond over The Clash.

Never Could See (by [info]overdoseonfreud)
Note: This might be sad, but also hopeful. Severus tries to connect to Remus through modern music. There's a lot going on at the background, but mostly, it's Severus dealing with his loneliness.

Part Time Punks (art) (by [info]ebonyserpent)
Note: Written for [info]maelipstick's wonderful, beautiful (unfortunately, unfinished) fic Part Time Punks in which Severus, Remus, and Lily find themselves at the awkward age of rebellion. In this scene, Lily has escaped from her sister's wedding, wearing a horrid bridesmaid dress. She, Lupin, and Snape traverse London together. Snape and Lupin make out while she sleeps in Picadilly Circus. And then came the beautiful lines:

"Lupin was nibbling on his earlobes. The action was completely ridiculous, more scratchy and wet than arousing, but still he followed every movement of Lupin’s hips with his own, keeping them locked together where it felt best. He turned his head to dissuade Lupin from this foolish activity and realised Evans was propped up on her right arm watching them.

She looked a bit like she might want to cry, but she laughed when she realised he was looking."

Okay, that might have been a double rec because I can't help it. I LOVE THIS FIC.

Nevermind the Buzzcocks (by [info]isildurs_babe)
(R, 24,000 words)
A story in which we see the world of late 70’s Manchester, and young Severus and Remus’ adoration and emulation of the Sex Pistols. We see this world in two ways. Through Severus’ eyes in the main body of the story and the ‘crackier’ side, through Remus’ various attempts at pulp fiction writing. His work though often clichéd, crosses many genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Western, Horror and Crime Noir Fiction. He hopes you will forgive him, he’s still learning y’know.
Note: THIS FIC IS GOLD. Funny without being overblown, and there's the feeling of that era lingering in your brain that makes it right. Severus and Remus are hilarious, but--more importantly, so very much themselves as teenagers going through a rebellious stage.


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Title: THE ADDICTION 12/14
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: SS/ES, SS/RL, SS/SB, RL/NT
Genre: AU, Drama, Tragedy, Romance, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
Challenge: Retrofest 2009 Prompt No. 05
Canon: Compliant with PS, CoS and 90% PoA compliant.
Wordcount: Approximately 4000 words

Summary: When Harry, Hermione, Ron stun Severus in the Shrieking Shack, they don't know there is a Sleeping Beauty Spell on the bed already. It interacts and Snape wakes up a woman. Remus who already is attracted to Snape finds this even more intriguing and begins to woo Snape.

Warnings: Incest, Heterosexual sex, (Child) Abuse, Drug abuse, Alcoholism, Mental illness, Non consensual sex, Sex with dubious consent, Gender switch, Attempted suicide, Character death (no main character)

A/N: At this point I would like to express my gratitude to [info]schemingreader who has despite her very busy life supported me greatly in my first attempt of writing fanfiction.

I am sure this is a no-no but after ch. 12, 13 and 14 were beta-read and corrected I went back and changed them. So should you encounter more than the usual amount of typos and errors - these are all mine. and apologies!

I am not a native english speaker. My mother tongue is German, so when I write in English I first form sentences in german and then translate them. In that sense please do not hesitate to point out mistakes or correct my English.

Disclaimer: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling. The author is making no profit by this story.

12. )
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