The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 10th, 2009

August 10th, 2009

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Title: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol.
Author: MrsCake_akaJane
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them.
Summary: The first Christmas after the war. Snape is his usual bastard self, but the powers that be decide that it must stop now. They will use every power they can to make the dour man see sense. What will Snape see through the eyes of the spirits?

a link to the full story can be found inside

A Hogwarts Christmas Carol Chapter eight )

two recs for day ten

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A couple of recs for today: one short fic, one long fic, both absorbing and...not exactly G-rated.

Best Served Cold, by rexluscus
Summary: Severus discovers over morning kippers that there are consequences to his actions.

I was a relative latecomer to Snape/Lupin (I just passed the two-year mark on this little fic bender of mine about a month ago) and before I mustered up the courage to try to find a few like-minded friends, I pestered my poor non-like-minded friends with links and general flailing like whatshisname in 1849 discovering there was gold in California. After a while, I settled down and addressed the fic talk to two trusted longtime friends who, alas, read het fic almost exclusively.

How did I know this delightfully smutty ficlet was good? They both loved it. I was floored.

Fraternizing with the Enemy, or, The Best Christmas Ever, by [info]dazzleberry
Summary: Teenagers doing wildly inappropriate things in inappropriate places.

Because I enjoy a bit of Christmas in August. (Also, because it's nice and long to balance out the shortness of the first rec. And because there's smut.)

Note: Is it weird that I picked a fic that I discovered about this time two years ago and another one from this time last year? The first was coincidental, the second not so much. Hmm.

Dracon*con, anyone?

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Yes, Dragon*con, the massive sci-fi con hosted in Atlanta, GA.

While it's not a Harry Potter convention, it does have related events and guests. This year, there's going to be Matthew Lewis, Tom Felton, and the Phelps twins. There's also a Yule Ball (or, at least I think they're having another this year?), and YA fiction panels that include all kinds of HP goodness.

SO! My question is...are any fellow Snupiners attending? If so, give a shout here with what day(s) you're attending, and maybe we can all work out some kind of meet-up.

ARTZZZ and Snupineers!!!!!

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Here's my album from Azkatraz! I had a wonderful time and a blast!!

Pictures here at my journal!
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