The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 16th, 2009

June 16th, 2009

Fic: 114 - (Severus/Remus/Sirius), NC17/NWS

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Title: 114
Author: [info]lore
Rating: NC17
Characters: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Harry Potter (peripherally)
Warnings: Restraint, Threesome
Disclaimer: I play with the boys and then I regretfully put them back. Wet.

Summary: While we laid on floors, quietly dying, Sirius sodding Black was breathing new life into a rapidly reforming body. It was just our luck that Potter didn't find out before he sent a team to check my body. Poppy saved me, and I, in turn, saved Lupin from a living death simply by having him moved to a bed for observation. His lycanthropy did the rest, in time. Potter said he was overjoyed to have regained any casualties, but anyone could tell that it was Black who tempered his grief over the other fallen. -- Severus Snape's private journal, May 1998

A/N: Approximately 2500 words. Betaed of a sorts. Written for [info]woldy for LJ's Harry Potter Five Things Exchange. I used a bit of all the prompts, but the main ones were "4 times they shagged and one time they made love" and "4 non-threesomes and one threesome". Thought I should repost this while I was thinking of it.

114 )

love, lore
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