The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 13th, 2009

June 13th, 2009

Story: A Troublesome Transition

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Title: A Troublesome Transition - chapters 1-3
By: Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: PG
Summary: For Severus Snape, death proves not to be the end, but rather a new beginning as he takes on the office of Death, adjusting to his new position with the help of some familiar faces and a ghostly assistant.
Notes: Pre-slash. Inspired by Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series. This story is a canon-compliant Afterlife story.
Word count (so far): ~7600

Hanging out in chat today, Activities round-up

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I'm hanging out in the chat room all day. Most of you know that this also means all night as well. ~_^

Come on in if you have questions or want to discuss any of the following:

Did you know we have a desktop calendar for this year? Here's June's calendar by Dianamoon/Dizilla:

The June Theme Search is Occlumency/Legilimency. There's only been one response so far. Remember anyone can submit fics to the theme searches, and this includes readers who just happen to like those kind of fics.

Chocolate & Asphodel 2 submissions are due July 1, unless you are a BLU artist, and then we'll talk. If you have any questions about C&A 2, now's the time to ask!

Retro Fest claims are open! Retro Fest is about writing a story or creating art based on what we used to think canon was before the next book came out. If you have more questions about it, come on into chat!

And, as always, other talk about All Things Snape/Lupin is always welcome! So, see you there!

love, lore

PS - The DreamWidth Porn Battle ends Monday at 3 p.m. EST, 9 pm UK time. There's Snupin prompts in it!
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