The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 26th, 2009

February 26th, 2009

The Chocolate and Asphodel v.2 Project

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Haven't done Lupin/Snape in a while?
Got an action shot bunny that keeps biting?
Ultra romantic art waiting to jump onto canvas?

How would you like your art to grace the cover of Chocolate and Asphodel v. 2?

♥Submissions should be 8.5 x 11.
♥Tiff format preferred.
♥If you feel confident about your text work, please create Title font on seperate layer, in case text doesn't work out then there's always the original unblemished one.
♥All media's welcome, Your art should be no less than 300 dpi.
♥CMYK color profile.
♥Please let us know at submission time whether you still want your art included in Chocolate and Asphodel, even if it didn't make the Cover.

If you want more information, it's on this locked post at Lupin_Snape, which mean you'll have to join to see it. However, you don't have to remain a member of the community after you read it, and you'll understand better why it's a locked post when you get there.
This locked post at Lupin_snape

mark it, start creating, and submit it!!
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