The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 29th, 2009

January 29th, 2009


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I've seen some people complain about the Snupin Santa website because longer stories are divided into chapters, and they prefer to have stories in one big file that they can save on their harddrive.

Complain no more, for there is an easy solution.

At the top of every individual story page just beneath the title and author, there is a little header on the left:

[Reviews - 0]
Table of Contents [Report This]

Directly underneath that is a little printer icon and "Chapter or Story". Both "chapter" and "story" are clickable links, and if you click on "story", you'll get a new page which has the entire story from beginning to end, including header notes, that you can then either print or save as one big file.

Problem solved!

As an additional note, this technique should work on any website/archive that uses eFiction, such as Sycophant Hex, The Archive at the End of the Universe, etc.
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