The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 15th, 2009

January 15th, 2009

Story: Letters Mingle Souls, rated R

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Title: Letters Mingle Souls
By: Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: R
Summary: A mandatory pen-pal exchange turns from a game to a lifeline for two lonely souls.
Word count: ~71,000 (complete)

Notes: We began writing this on December 29 because I'd been watching WALL-E and thinking about the interesting ways the movie explained what happened to Earth through little background details, which led to me thinking about epistolatory stories, which naturally led my thoughts to RL/SS. I mentioned it to Arionrhod, we started writing (or rather, started taking dictation because this was one of those rare and wonderful times when the story practically wrote itself), and the bunny started taking steriods. We finished on January 11, 71,000 words later. We scare me.
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