The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 13th, 2009

January 13th, 2009


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I haven't been around much and didn't even have anything for Snapes birthday, and these pics don't have anything to do with that but, still, I wish him a belated Happy Birthday!♥

Title: Grooming
Artist: [info]ghot
Rating: G
For [info]hogwartshoney, mi amiga! Alright, you asked for "Grooming an animal is a one-on-one endeavour which can be a very bonding experience between animal and groomer. Severus secretly enjoys grooming Moony during the night of the full moon and particularly likes untangling his tail with a wide-toothed comb. Moony isn't always eager to begin the process, often preferring to expend some of his energy hunting outside or pacing back and forth inside if the weather is foul, but once he acquiesces, the werewolf enjoys it almost as much as Severus. Gentle lighting a plus, fireside or cozy scene, Moony splayed out on his side mostly-asleep. Severus' contentment.". I hope you like (...even if it has no background)!! *hugs*

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This the art of my contribution to the 2009 Desktop Calendar project:

Rating: G
Summary: I couldn't think of any good theme for July so they're, um, getting ready for Harry's party.

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