The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 10th, 2009

January 10th, 2009

Birthday Art : The Other Sword of Gryffindor, R

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for the Snape Birthday challenge - i grabbed Sword of Gryffindor really last minute so very quick and sketchy - sorry!

Title: The Other Sword of Gryffindor
Author: [info]nepenth
Rating: R
Warning: nudity, NOT work safe
Notes: It is not commonly known that "Moony" was not Remus' only nickname from his Marauder days.

links to larger pic on LJ

Birthday Art: Snake

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Title: Snake

Author: [info]dancingskeleton

Rating: PG

Warning: None really

Notes: I somehow went on a bit of a tangent with the idea of snake but in the end I really liked it. Lol  I'm leaving this open to ideas on why he's dressed in Egyptian robes

Follow the bouncing cut )

Sorry I was a bit late too ^^;;

Snape's birthday fic: "From me to you, happy birthday (son)", G

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For Snape's birthday, I chose cauldron.
Strictly speaking, it's not entirely about Severus' birthday, though. I fail muchly.

From me to you, happy birthday (son)
by [info]osmalic
G, 950~ words
Snape/Lupin, Eileen, Teddy

Wherein Severus gets a cauldron for his birthday and doesn't appreciate it. He passes on this favour many years later and gets the same reaction.

When Severus turns eleven, his mother gives him a cauldron.

Happy Belated Bday Severus!

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Always a day late!

Title: Half Blood
Artist: Karsu_hime
Rating: G

Half Blood )

Belated Bday fic for Severus - Word Prompt: Patronus

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This was actually done on time, just didn't get a chance to post it last night.

Title: Expecto Patronum (until I think of something better.)
Author: Geminia
Rating: PG13
Pairings: none (Lupin/Snape & Lupin/Tonks implied)
Summary: Patronuses, like their conjurers, can be unpredictable.
Warnings: Tiny bit of profanity. Implied past sexual assault (blink and you'll probably miss it).
Notes: Jo said DE's can't produce patronuses. I say that's a crock (if Umbridge can produce a patronus, anyone can) and have therefore completely ignored it. Thanks and smooches to Lore for looking this over for me. Not Brit-picked, so I apologize in advance for any overt Americanisms.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own. No money made. Fair use/parody yada yada...

Expecto Patronum )

Bad mod! Chatting anyway.....

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Ok, really, I was fighting a virus until the early morning, so I spaced chat and slept through it. But there's people in the chat room now, so if you want to come in, feel free. We won't call this one official, though. We can try for an official one next weekend.

love, lore
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