The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 18th, 2008

December 18th, 2008

Story: Found Next Door, for cordeliadelayne

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Found Next Door, for [info]cordeliadelayne
Rated: NC17
Summary: Happy Holidays. I hope this pleases! Thanks to ms for the beta!! Based on the prompt here: AU. Kingsley and Snape share a flat. It's completely platonic but Remus, their next door neighbour is jealous. Kingsley finds this hilarious and decides to flirt shamelessly with Snape whenever Remus is around. Then he realises Snape is interested in Remus and decides to get them together.
Word count: 4756

Art: In the Spring of Their Forever, for firefly_124

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In the Spring of Their Forever for [info]firefly_124
Summary: Snupin like you've never seen before.
Rated: work safe
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