The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 18th, 2008

November 18th, 2008

Discussion Topic: Countdown distractions

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I have been informed we are just under two weeks (13 days!!) to the start of [info]snupin_santa. For those of you who are finished -- *looks around community* -- how are you spending your time? In rapt anticipation? Reading old SS fics? Catching up with your [info]lupin_snape or flist? Finishing old fics? Speculating? Bouncing? Twiddling thumbs until they lock up?

Volunteering to help out around the community? *hint hint, lots of easy ones left*

Consider this your open invitation to talk how you're going to get through the next two weeks and to maybe even squee. Just a little. ~_^

I'm turning off comments emails just so you all will feel extra free to chat it up with each other. If your gift still isn't in, though, we don't want to hear it. It could come back to bite you in the arse if your giftee reads about how stressed you are here. Hee!

love, lore
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