The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 1st, 2008

November 1st, 2008

November Theme List Search!

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FIRST: Today is the due date for all first-time Snupin Santa Fest participants! You need to send your gift or an extension request to snupin_santa @ TODAY. I'll be posting a list of anyone I haven't heard from tomorrow. Also, the Snupin Santa Fest website is now on moderated status and will remain so until January 7, although I've fiddled with the settings so that participants in previous fests should be able to edit things from their account.

SECOND: I'd like to take a moment to introduce some of our RL/SS resources to newcomers to the community and provide a reminder about the resources to oldtimers.

Resource List )

THIRD: the theme list search!

How This Works:
I'll determine what the theme is by drawing a theme randomly out of my King Kong trading card tin; the suggested prompts are from a long-ago poll, and when the number of suggestions dwindles enough, I'll open a new poll for new theme list suggestions.

On the first day of each month, I'll post a thematic fic search post (like this one). People will then be free to submit links to stories that fit the thematic search. LURKERS WELCOME! This is your chance to pimp your favorite themed stories even if you normally lurk, and we encourage you to poke your head out and join in. ;)

The search will close at the end of the last day of the month. I'll start compiling the thematic list at Snupin Themes on with a link added to the Thematic Lists page on the RL/SS wiki.

YES, you MAY link your own stories. Self-pimping is allowed (even encouraged). Aside from the Snupin Library, all theme list searches have encouraged self-pimping, so I don't want to see any complaints about your stories not being included on any of the lists. Give us the links, they'll go on the list. I do NOT exclude any suggested stories unless they don't fit the criteria of the search. If you missed the first go-around with a theme search, be patient; I'll post an update request for the old theme lists periodically, so you can catch up and have new material added to the list(s) then.

The October theme search is officially CLOSED.


The Muggle War (Snape/Lupin, R)

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Title: The Muggle War (incomplete)
Author: busaikko
Fandom/Rating: Harry Potter, Snape/Lupin, NC17
Summary and notes: This was going to be the first chapter of many in a sprawling epic, set in a future where, after the defeat of Voldemort, wizards went to war with Muggles, using terrorist tactics with apocalyptic results. Unfortunately, I was already floundering when DH came out, and afterwards I froze completely. I doubt I'll ever write the rest. It's rather creepy. Happy Halloween!

The Muggle War

New Theme: Enslaved

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The October theme list has been added to Snupin Themes and the RL/SS wiki: ENSLAVED.

Previous themes include:
Werewolf Mating
Werewolf Pack
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