The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 1st, 2008

September 1st, 2008

Snupin Santa acknowledgments!

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I need to hear from the following people ASAP to let me know they received their Snupin Santa assignments, please! You may either leave a comment here or reply to the assignment email (as requested). If you have already responded to confirm you received your assignment and you're on this list in error, please let us know that too!


Snupin Library update!

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I'm going to try to fit in a regular thematic list update, posting a new theme on the first of each month. The post will remain open all month, and I'll add the new theme to the Snupin Themes on at the end of the month.

I'd like to start by updating the Snupin Library, because it hasn't been updated since October, 2006. Anyone can make suggestions for new additions to the library, but the suggestions must meet the following criteria:

1). You may not suggest your own work.

2) The story must have been written since October, 2006. We covered earlier works thoroughly with the initial creation of the Library, and I think we need to focus on stories written after the last update. If you aren't certain whether something was written after October, 2006, it's probably best not to suggest it.

3) The story must be at least 1000 words long.

4) The story must be publicly accessible, i.e. not posted in a locked journal or community post or on a password-protected archive.

5) This is NOT a "rec your favorite stories" event. You must suggest stories you think are enduring classics of the ship or good starter stories for newbies to the ship (or both) because new RL/SS readers are often pointed to the Snupin Library as a place for them to find a good representative sample of what the ship has to offer. That means we want the stories that will best represent the ship as a whole in the long term, not just someone's favorite story of the moment.

Other than that, anything is fair game. Any rating, any genre.

You may suggest as many stories as you like as long as they meet the above criteria. Any stories that don't meet the criteria will not be included in the Library update.

Please give me the title, author, and a link. No other information is necessary.

This update search will run through September 30; the suggested stories will be added to the Library in October.

Fantasy Fest Fic: "Love Potion Number Eleven" (NC17)

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Mods: Sorry this is a day past the deadline; I've been arguing with my net connection intermittently for the last three weeks and yesterday (and so far most of today) has been particularly ridiculous.

Title: Love Potion Number Eleven
Pairing: Snupin with mention of past Remus/Tonks and implied other partners.
Author: [info]florahart
Rating: NC17
Words: ~4225
Warnings: Cracked premise? And the fact it went sappier than I had in mind. I don't think there are any kink warnings.
A/N: This is for the 2008 fantasy fest, for short prompt #6: Snupin Top Chef. Canonical Remus/Tonks is not discounted even though basically just about every death in the series besides Voldemort's is. I have no idea.

Love Potion Number Eleven )

Fantasy Fest Art: Emerging (R)

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Yet another past the deadline and probably nothing like what the prompter intended. But finished at least! ^^;;

Title: Emerging
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Artist: Ponderosa
Rating: R
Prompt: Short art prompt #26: naked and wet.

Emerging [NWS] )

Fantasy Fest Prompt: #24

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Title: Because It Is My Heart (2/?)
Author: JadedBade
Rating: Um…I’ll just make it PG-13 until further notice
Characters: Severus/Remus, Draco—eventual threesome
Word Count: (this part) 3,066
Disclamer: The characters are JKR’s—I’m just playing with them.

Summery/Prompt: Long prompt #24—R is the leader of a werewolf pack (living like humans, please!), S brews Wolfsbane for them (other medical work/brewing a plus). New arrival of a feral werewolf, turns out to be Draco - R and S must rehabilitate him. Any rating OK.

A/N: This has not been beta’d. This is a postwar fic and is AU after book five. Severus never had to kill Dumbledore and neither Severus nor Remus dies in the war, obviously. Remus never hooked up with Tonks either. This part is a bit shorter than the last but I wanted to get something out for you guys!

Part One
Part Two... )

FIC: Odeon Leicester Square: May 25, 1980 (NC-17)

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Here's a link to my Snupin fic for last month's [info]daily_deviant!

Title: Odeon Leicester Square: May 25, 1980
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: mild NC-17
Warnings: off-screen violence discussed
Themes/kinks: Pheromones, insufflation (if blowing in ears counts...?), public sex
Word count: ~2000
Summary: Remus doesn’t need to be able to see in the dark cinema. He can smell Severus anywhere.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to the wonderful [info]blpaintchart for the beta. Sorry my fic is so short this month! This is related to another fic of mine, Why Severus Snape Might Have to Shout “Yoda” in the Midst of Battle, that I wrote for [info]bronze_ribbons, but you certainly do not have to read that one to read this one! This stands alone.
Oh, and one more Important Fact: The Empire Strikes Back premiered in London at the Odeon Leicester Square on May 21, 1980. :D

Fantasy Fest Fic: A Day In The Life, Part I

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Title: A Day In The Life, Part I
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: None
Dislcaimer: Not mine, wish they were
Summary: Severus Snape is given a chance - a single day to change the events of his life and save both himself and the man he loves from death; the only problem is convincing Remus that he wants to be saved!
Prompt: # 50 -- S is granted a chance to relive a single day in his lifetime and alter the events that unfold during that day (and beyond it). There are risks, of course, unless it's all an illusion and whatever he does is meaningless. OotP, Auror S and R.
A/N: With apologies for the lateness - I had started this fic twice and kept changing my mind about where I wanted it to go, then ran out of time. Hopefully I can produce what the prompter wished! I will be posting updates as fast as I can get them written!

A Day In The Life, Part I )

A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming ~ 8

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Title: A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: Character death (neither of the two)
Dislcaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made.
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.
A/N: DH-compliant except for them surviving.

Chapter Index

( Part 8 )
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