The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 12th, 2008

August 12th, 2008

Two Ficlets

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Hey all! Here is a brand new ficlet, and one I wrote several weeks ago and failed to post here! Oops. Here we go...

Title: Accidents
Prompt: First date a la Snupin
Summary: Nothing is going right at Hogwarts today (unless you are Remus Lupin).
Length: 712 words
Rated: PG
Warnings: none
Notes: A bit of PoA era. Written for my dear [info]inkgeist!!

Title: Referee
Prompt: Ache
Summary: Severus develops some aches. Remus wants to help.
Word count: 300
Rated: PG
Warnings: none
Notes: For the wonderful [info]ghot, whose prompt was "ache." I've always imagined Snape was a substitute Quidditch referee throughout his years on the Hogwarts faculty.
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