The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 6th, 2008

July 6th, 2008


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Who is participating in Livelongnmarry? I've bid on a few things but I haven't seen all that many Snupin regulars out there...?

ETA: our beloved mod had already posted this here. Sorry!


Lupin/Snape Fantasy Fest 2008! - Prompt Poll

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When returning to this entry, please go to the end to see any possible updates.

What is a fantasy fest?
For our purposes, a fantasy fest is when members of [info]lupin_snape submit a Lupin/Snape fantasy prompt in a 255-character poll for both fic and art, and the poll requests are then posted and claimed by writers and artists who will return to the community a story or piece of art based on the prompt they claimed. The fest will run in July and August this year, and we are adding the concept of "short" prompts.

While any prompt can inspire any length of fic or detailed piece of art, some writers and artists asked specifically for "shorter" ideas this year. Short prompts in the poll only have 125 characters available. Minimum word count for any writer is still 1000 words, but artists choosing from the "short" prompts may offer a sketch instead of something more complete. This means any one person can offer up to 4 prompts.

The prompt poll is locked so that only mods can see the prompts, although anyone can put prompts into the poll. The prompts will be listed for claiming without prompter's names attached. The idea of fantasy fest is foremost to offer inspiration while also fulfilling someone's wish. Prompter's names will be revealed in the masterlist. This is to keep the focus on the ideas and not on individuals. Fantasy Fest is not an exchange.

Deadline for filling out the prompts poll: Thursday, July 10, 11:59 p.m. EST

How do I make a fantasy request?
Fill out the poll! Anyone may submit a fantasy prompt in both the story and art categories or only in one or the other - this includes members who are planning to create for the fest. All I ask is that you keep your prompts appropriate to your age - under 18, do not ask for fantasies rated higher than R.

Examples, Limitations, Disclaimers, Warnings and Stuff That Will Get Your Request Thrown Out under the cut. It's long, but read it before you fill out the poll, and yes, there are a few changes from last year. *g* )

The Prompt Poll! )

You can edit your prompts right up until I close the poll. You can make your changes to your fic and art prompts here.

Rules on claiming will follow when the poll closes. Other questions, comments are welcome! I hope everyone will enjoy another year of Snupin Fantasies!

love, lore

Fic: The High Cost of Living (16)

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Title: The High Cost of Living (16)
Author: Jules Noctambule ([info]julesnoctambule)
Rating: Hard R/soft NC-17 for sexual situations, language and referenced violence.
Pairing(s): Lupin/Snape, past Lupin/Black & Lupin/Tonks, Snape/others
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, the books wouldn't be suitable for children.
Warnings: Prostitution and some of the associated risks.
Notes: Written pre-DH, but I got a few things right so there are some minor spoilers.
Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2
Link to Part 3
Link to Part 4
Link to Part 5
Link to Part 6
Link to Part 7
Link to Part 8
Link to Part 9
Link to Part 10
Link to Part 11
Link to Part 12
Link to Part 13
Link to Part 14
Link to Part 15

Thanks to [info]attic_plan for the beta! All remaining errors are either me being lazy or stubborn -- that, or my new laptop's word processing program, which likes to auto-uncorrect correct words and reformat punctuation at random. Please let me know if you notice any oddities!

All my reasons for wanting less and all yours for not needing more )
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