The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 23rd, 2008

May 23rd, 2008

Fic: Bastards and Stepsons

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Title: Bastards and Stepsons
Characters: Tempus Thales and... well, the obvious, of course.
Summary: A deal is struck and a heavy price is paid..
Rating: G
Word Count: ~920
Warnings: Cross-over (is that a warning?)
Notes: In honor of the late, incredibly talented Robert Lynn Aspirin. While Tempus was not his creation, he does hail from the Thieves' World universe that RLA helped give to the world. Also for the Dark Side Challenge, so this isn't my normal light romance. Thank to McKay for beta and encouragement!!!!

Bastards and Stepsons )

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It's a Friday night, I'm a-writin' and a-plottin' dark!fic plots and I'm not the only one! Come rub elbows, pass a pint o' butter beer, and talk dark fic with us in chat? What better use for a Friday night? ^_^
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