The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 18th, 2008

May 18th, 2008

Thematic link update!

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In order to make the thematic lists more consolidated and easier to browse, I decided to put them on del.ici.ous and tag them by theme. This will be easier for people to use, and easier for me to update.

From now on, all thematic list material can be found HERE, with the individual themes listed in the sidebar. To browse a particular theme, just click the tag.

Themes by tag:
Werewolf Pack

Before I start compiling new themes, I'd like to update the old ones, especially since some works on the old lists had to be removed because the links were broken, or the posts were locked. So! If you have or know of any new or old stories that fit one of the above themes, please drop me a link here with the following info:

1) Title of the story
2) Author
3) URL (must be publicly accessible; no password protected archive links or links to locked LJ posts)
4) Rating
5) Summary
6) Note whether it's a complete one shot, part of a series, or a WiP

Also, please tell me which theme you're submitting a story to. If you don't tell me the theme, I won't add the story because I won't know which thematic list to include it on.

You may link either your own work or someone else's. PLEASE CHECK to make sure it's not already on the list before commenting. Thanks!

Another update announcement

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Yep, one more announcement. *G* I've been recuperating from strep throat the past few days, and I decided to put my down time to good use and catch up on various projects.

I've finished adding all remaining gifts from Snupin Santa 2005 to the fest archive, so year one is complete! To view all 54 gifts from our first year, check out the Snupin Santa 2005 category HERE.

I have about 40 gifts remaining to add to the Snupin Santa 2006 category, and then the archive will be complete. Just in time for prepare for Snupin Santa 2008!

Dark Side Challenge: Enslaved - PG-13

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Title: Enslaved
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing/Characters: Remus/Severus, Harry
Rating: PG-13
Highlight for Warnings: *canon character deaths, zombies, obscure magic, general weirdness*
Word Count: 1,168
Summary: What is dead should stay dead.

Notes: This possibly takes the cake of all the odd fics I've written yet. In answer to [info]lupin_snape's May Challenge: the Dark Side of Lupin/Snape, though I'm not using the prompt I was given. Inspired by HIM's "Resurrection"; I've been meaning to write this fic since maybe '05, though I didn't anticipate it would be quite like this. Beta'd by the lovely [info]zebraspots05, who made this hopefully readable. (Are you scared yet of reading? :P)
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