The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 6th, 2008

April 6th, 2008

Snupin Con, London 2008

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As you might have seen we're planning a tiny-con in London this summer. We are going to post general news to [info]lupin_snape on both LJ and IJ. For closed communication, program and planning, we have made [info]snupin_meeting. You can only become a member of the community, if you plan on going to the con, but you are welcome to friend the comm here to keep up with our plans.

We are going to book rooms at the hostel next week, and if you want to be there, and be sure there is a bed for you, now is the time to speak up. We will book again at a later date, but there is no guarantee there are any free rooms.

As it is, we are going to book a large room so we can perv live out our academic approach to Snape/Lupin. We are working on how to make a Podcast from the meet-up, so our fellow Snupiners might get a taste of the action.

Preliminary Program )
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