The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 19th, 2008

March 19th, 2008

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Title: Easter Lilies
Word count: 100
Warning: past reference to Severus/Lily, present Severus/Remus
Note: this is for [info]karasu_hime for making me some lovely icons for an RPG I'm in. I'll try for a less tragic one as well.
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A Short Subject

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Title: A Short Subject
Author: Evegenia
Rating: Er, mature adult themes (by which I mean some sex)
Pairing: Snape/Lupin

Warnings: Violence, but no permanent damange
Notes: I wrote this in two and a half hours last night!  That's some kind of record for me. It's a cliche theme, I admit; I was thinking about how to handle it with minimal cliche-ism.  Although honestly, most of the "cliches" of the pairing I could read all day. And the cliche is...Snape and Lupin are captured and imprisoned, full moon, etc...

I have linked to my InsaneJournal since I'm not entirely clear on whether we can actually post stories-with-sex-in-them here or only link them.

This is, of course, AU and totally distinct from my perpetually unfinished story "Dangerous People".

<a href="">Here it is.</i>
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