The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 4th, 2008

March 4th, 2008

Mod Post: Remus' Birthday, Family Fest Reminder

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Remus' birthday is in a week - March 10! As with Severus' birthday, anything goes in celebrating our favourite werewolf - stories, art, drabbles, lists, essays, manips, etc. welcome! You can post anytime between now and the 10th, or later, if need be. ~_^

Also, there are a couple more days to submit your ideas for Family Fest. If you have more ideas and care to share them, feel free to make more than one post!

love, lore

(art) "you can't save me" (PG)

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title: "you can't save me" (for [info]kellanine's fic "Halloween 1977")
artist: [info]osmalic
rating: PG
challenge: Trading Places (very late entry)
disclaimer: Characters owned by JKR and the unique situation penned by [info]kellanine.
warnings: boy-kissing
notes: Written for Trading Places and posted very, very late. *red-faced* For [info]kellanine and the mods, I'm so sorry, especially for the simplicity. I wish I can give you the exact detail of your wonderful fic, from the shadows of the castle to the desperation and sorrow Severus and Remus have. I really love that fic, it feels like a build-up. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Then, blinking, Remus pulled Severus' mask away, held his face with trembling fingers, and squeezed his eyes shut, whimpering as he leaned forward to press his lips against Severus'. )

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Title: Woolly Hats and Crocuses
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Word Count: 474
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for Mauraderswolf…happy b-day!! (3/3) Inspired by </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart's prompt ‘woolly hat’ she, also, graciously beta/brit picked it too!! Thank you!! I’m apparently having a reunion week sorry if this seems familiar. Reposted from my journal.</font>

Eye on the Prize

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Title: Eye on the Prize
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 400
Summary: Remus keeps his eye on the prize.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.

Eye on the Prize

Eye of the Storm

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Title: Eye of the Storm
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: R
Summary: A storm rages without and within.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Drabble: Word Count 206

Eye of the Storm

Snupin Video

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This video was only posted to LJ, but I wanted to point it out because this rarity shouldn't be missed. Videos are incredibly difficult to make, especially from what little footage we get of Lupin in the films. So, if you watch it, be sure to leave some feedback for the creator - she certainly deserves it!

love, lore

Art: Birth of a Misunderstanding (page 4 + revised 3)

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Title: Birth of a Misunderstanding --Page 4 (+ revised Page 3!)
Artist: Omni (me--lj username=rip_von_christ)
Rating: PG(13?)-ish for implied things
Summary: Scene from [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink's "Better to Copulate than Never". Over all this comic will end up depicting the practice kiss scene, starting from the time Remus is walking in the hall towards Severus' workroom.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Warnings: page 4 has NO BACKGROUNDS (because they, and I, suck)
Notes: Mostly done in oC, with text and speech bubbles added in Photoshop. All dialogue is quoted directly from the fic, as is the text for the cut link below.
Also! Yes, I know I've already posted page 3, but I hated how Bill looked in the last three panels. So, here is the revised page! Yay!

Bill's smile had inexplicably turned into a smirk as he glanced back and forth between Remus and Severus. )

Teeny-fics to share

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I have written several Remus/Severus Teeny-fics for various wonderful people over the last few days. I thought I'd share them with the comm! Sorry if you have already been spammed with these. :) Each link will take you to more details and the fics.

Prompt: Potions
Rated: G

Take Away
Prompt: Indian take away food
Rated: PG-13

Balancing Act
Prompt: Pickles
Also: Sirius/Remus
Rated: PG-13

In the Cupboard
Prompt: One of them working up the nerve to share their feelings
Rated: PG

Visiting the Wolf
Prompt: One of them plays an instrument and the other finds out
Rated: PG

I have one more non-Snupin teeny-fic to write this round! It's been fun! Whee.
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