The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 6th, 2008

January 6th, 2008

Art: Snupin Elves, G

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Title: Snupin Elves
Artist: [info]aleoninc
Rating: G as G can be (but with perhaps just a dash of innuendo)
Characters: Lupin, Snape, and a candy cane
Disclaimer: Not my characters, of course, but you already knew that.
Warnings: Um . . . wide eyed innocence? *blinks*
Notes: This is the full piece that I did for the fest icons that [info]lore made. The color palette is so light that it was kind of hard to shrink down and I do feel bad about giving poor [info]lore the task of trying to make it look good. Sorry about that, dear. I'll do better next time. :P

Why ever don't you enjoy the holidays, Severus? )

Snape/Lupin Art

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I bring some Art, dedicated to scribbulus_ink, and _lore, and with more waffly explanations under the "cut"

It's hiding at my LJ, and is warning you for cross-dressing, and girly-looking boys.

Art: [info]snupin_santa icon art

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Title: Two pieces, untitled
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: PG...maybe PG-13 for the second one
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Disclaimer: I only wish they were mine.

Notes: These are the full size versions of two of the pieces I did for the fest icons. Since they were destined to become so small, I tried to keep them pretty simple. Many thanks to [info]lore for allowing me to participate. This was my first time, and it was a lot of fun. :)

icon art here )

Art: The Iceman Cometh, PG-13

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Title: The Iceman Cometh
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Art for the snowmen in [info]bluestocking79's drabble The Iceman Cometh:
A/N: She kinda prompted it so... oh, I admit it! I couldn't hold myself back!

click_to_naughty_snowmen )

Snape-centric stuff from me for our boy's bday!

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Hey gang! For Severus' birthday, I thought I'd 'rec' my non-Snupin Snape stories. I'm also going to attempt a little something else as a surprise, but it's going to take a bit of planning. A hidden talent ya'll don't know about (yes, you may be frightened by this). Keep in mind these were all written mainly before HPB, some of them between GoF and OotP, so they definitely aren't canon-compliant by any stretch. Some have Severus with a female love interest, some are just Severus being his amusing, snarky self. I'm giving you first the direct link to my webpage's HP stories (not updated in ages, however, which is fine as most of the HP I've written in a long time has been of a slash nature). Then links to individual stories. I hope everyone enjoys! - Direct link to Wolfie's Den Harry Potter fic archive - Saints and Sinners (The future and Voldemort has been defeated...who's still standing? Third place winner of TSFA Truly Snape Contest!) - Severus Snape and the Hunt for Lemon Drops (Dumbledore asks Snape to pick up some lemon drops on his trip to London.) - Severus Snape: Harry Potter Year One (Literally my first HP fic AND Snape fic aeons ago. I started a Year Two but CoS is a *nightmare* so it never continued) - Treats - (Submitted for tsfa's Drabble fic contest, Snape rewards an obedient Fang.) - Where Loyalties Lie - (I always believed Severus had a personal horrifying reason to transfer his loyalty to the Order in the first war. Never believed the Lily theory. Oops. But here was my original take on it.) - Mather's Treaty - For those that like my historical bent on stories, this isn't just Snape, but the teachers and staff of Hogwarts against a vengeful spirit of the witch-hunting days of yore. It's still one of my favorite HPs I've ever written, though, like all of them, I need to go through and 'canonize' them a bit. Or not. *shrug*

At the bottom of the main HP fic page are two series that I started, one I finished. One pairs Severus with a chemist Muggle who's quite the feisty little Scottish lass and the other with another spy in the first war who, like the Longbottoms, was tortured when her secret came out and she went off her nut. I based her off Harley Quinn from the Batman: Animated Series at the time, so she's definitely on the kooky, drive-Severus-around-the-bend-in-a-fun-way. For those interested, there's several Remus-centric fics, including a series. I'm into doing series'...unfortunately I have a tendacy to write myself into corners or lose my notes for some reason or other and thus refuse to finish because "I had it ALL planned out PERFECTLY!" Most annoying.

Fic: Gone With The Wolf

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New Year?  New Fic!
(And fabulous New Art to follow soon!)

Author:  blpaintchart
Title:  Gone With The Wolf
Rating:  PG-15
Disclaimer:  I don't own any HP characters, nor any of Margaret Mitchell's characters.  I do own a brain like a sewer.
Warning:  There's swearing,  genderbending, corsetry and a reasonably nasty moustache.

It's at my LJ, come and see.  And don't forget to bring your popcorn!

Art: Gone With The Wolf

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Here 'tis, the pretty pic to accompany the wonderful words (oh! such alliteration!) of the beautiful [info]blpaintchart!

Rating: PG for moustache

Here at my IJ (links to fic also there)
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