The Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest
blonds have more fun
20th-Dec-2007 10:12 am - Predator and Prey
Title: Predator and Prey
Rating:hard R
Pairing:Lucius Malfoy/Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius/Narcissa
Summary:Shacklebolt needs Lucius's help. That help comes with a price.
Warnings:slash, het, images of blood play and bondage, dubcon,
Prompt: A single red rose, the colour yellow and the sound of Draco complaining from [info]luciusfqf. Also aroused from my 25prompts table.
Notes:No actual sex, oddly enough. And big thanks to [info]stonegrad for the beta!
Word Count:1540

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