The Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest
blonds have more fun
16th-Feb-2008 11:38 am - Taaaaa daaaaaaaa! (Or, the Fest is over! Uh, sort of)
The posting window has now officially closed and on behalf of myself ([info]suki_blue) and [info]literati, I would like to thank everyone that has participated. We've had some stunning entries in a whole variety of pairings and I can tell you that Lucius feels much more loved than he did before, bless his cotton socks leather boots. Please do have a browse through the community -- everything has now been tagged and put in the memories -- and give some love to the authors.

And as a reward for all those who entered the Fest, Literati has made some shiny buttons for you to choose from and take )

Although we are officially closed, if you still owe a fic, you may absolutely still post it here when it's ready and then take a button. (WIPs may also keep posting until completion)

Next week we will be announcing a poll to award the best entries in each catagory and if your fic/art/vid is in by then, you will be eligible. Winners will be able to choose their personalised award banner. (And there is also a certain someone who will be getting a special button for their coconut!fic)

Once again, thank you for all your hard work. It's been a Lucius-shaped pleasure.
20th-Dec-2007 08:50 am - Lucius FQF is open for business!
Round One of the Lucius FQF has officially started!

All participants, who have joined the community, now have posting access so feel free to begin posting! For those of you with more than one claim, you can either space out your entries, post them as they are done or flood us with goodies. It's completely up to you.

If you have claimed a prompt but have not joined the community, please do so now so that we may give you posting access! Please comment to this post after you have joined so we can give you said access.

Posting will run from today until February 15, 2008.

After posting is finished, there will be a poll so that everyone can vote for their favourite piece of work in each category.

Each winner will receive a shiny, personalised banner in one of several styles (winner's choice), and there will also be an 'I participated in the first Lucius FQF' banner (again, in several styles to choose from) for everyone to snag if they want it.

While we would appreciate it if entries were posted to the community, if you are more comfortable posting to your journal and linking from here, feel free to do so.

Below is the format code we'd like you to use for your entries. Just copy and make the appropriate changes. Coding for entry cuts and links is included.

Posting to the community.

Linking to your Journal entry.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

We now declare the Lucius FQF is open for porn business!
5th-Sep-2007 10:03 am - Round One: Prompts.
Gen, Het, Slash and Mixed Bag Prompts.

Round One: Prompts )

Please comment here to add your own! Don't forget to mention the category you want your challenge to be entered into: 'gen', 'het', 'slash' or 'mixed bag'.
5th-Sep-2007 10:01 am - Welcome to the Lucius FQF!
On behalf of the mods, [info]literati and [info]suki_blue, welcome to [info]luciusfqf!

Needing new Lucius fics? Feeling uninspired? Looking for a challenge? Well, that's where we come in.

Each round, we will be putting up a big basket of prompts and scenarios in the hope that you'll find something that tickles your fancy and inspires your muse. We want Lucius, Lucius, Lucius. Oh, and some Lucius. Slash, Het, Gen, you decide. Peruse the list, leave a comment to claim a prompt, and write us a fic; or make us some art; that's all there is to it.

Something seems to be missing? Additional prompts are always needed and appreciated so feel free to leave a comment and add a request to the list.

Sign-ups: Sept 15 - Dec 10
Posting: Dec 20 - Feb 15

Due to LJ and their funky ways, completed fics and art are to be posted to the InsaneJournal version of the community, so you will need to join that as well as the Live Journal version which is purely for the mods to post announcements and reminders.

Aside from selfishly wanting Lucius any way we can get him, we want you all to have fun, so please, whether you're requesting prompts, writing fic, creating art or just watching, reading and lurking, enjoy yourselves. If anyone has any problems, questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us (comments to this post will be screened). Rules are in the user info and the prompts are ready and waiting. Have fun with Lucius and just remember to put him back when you’re done ;o)
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