The Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest
blonds have more fun
February 14th, 2008 
10:42 pm - FIC: Put the Lime in the Coconut LM/HP
Title: Put the Lime in the Coconut
Cyane Snape
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter
Warnings: Slash, M/M Graphic Sex, language, Cyane-canon Lucius [i.e.OOC]
Prompt: A stuffed parrot, the color turquoise and the sound of a coconut hitting someone on the head
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: about 2400
Summary: A poolside bartender often gets more than an eyeful when the hotel guests have some fun.
Author's notes: Title comes from the Harry Nilsson song “Coconut” and has nothing to do with the story, except for the coconut. Part of the first annual Lucius Malfoy FQF, held at InsaneJournal, at luciusfqf.
Put the Lime in the Coconut )
09:26 am - Lucius iconage.
Interrupting your regularly scheduled programming for a little graphics hit.

I had originally planned on a small project for the fest since I'm not a writer, however that was an epic fail as I have bad time management skills. Instead, I've made some Lucius icons for you all.

The usual applies; credit, and please don't alter.



.. thirty ..  )
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