The Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest
blonds have more fun
December 21st, 2007 
12:09 pm - The Seer
Title: The Seer
Author/Artist: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: NC-17
Pairing:Lucius/unknown male, Lucius/Abraxas
Summary: Abraxas is not happy to find out what his son's been up to at Hogwarts.
Warnings: dark fic, incest, non-con, physical, mental, and sexual abuse, slash
Prompt: Experimenting with wands. (Teen Lucius at Hogwarts)
Notes: This bunny went in a dark and scary direction. If you would like a light-hearted teen Lucius fic, may I suggest The Game which was originally supposed to be this prompt but I had some trouble with the characters refusing to cooperate. This fic is dark! Oh, and my most stylistically daring story to date. Massive thanks, once again, to [info]stonegrad for the beta.
Word Count:1500
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11:40 am - Lucius Malfoy and the Cauldron of Doom 4/?
Title: Lucius Malfoy and the Cauldron of Doom Part 4
Author/Artist: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Narcissa, Draco/Pansy
Summary: Lucius' first morning and class
Warnings: for cursing, implied sexual activity, kissing, and mention of torture. I go into no detail, so PG. Also mush, cute, and angst.
Prompt: Lucius has been a bad boy and as punishment, The Ministry force him to take over the job of Potions Master. No-one ever said The Ministry had any sense.
Notes: I made it to a class! YAY! 2900 words, more or less.
Last bit here
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Next part here
09:03 am - Snape's Funeral
Title: Libera Me
Author/Artist: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: G
Pairing: You can read as Lucius/Severus, or not. Could be read as gen, I guess. So, I have no idea.
Summary: Severus Snape's funeral
Warnings: Sad, depressing, it's a funeral.
Prompt: A shallow grave, the colour purple and the sound of music from the [info]luciusfqf item prompts
Notes: I combined a plot bunny and a prompt and a deep desire to use classical music in a fic. Go me! Latin is from Libera Me from Faure's Requiem and repeats as I remember it doing so. Full lyrics are linked at end.
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And soundtrack is available here for a week or so. It's a collection of 6 songs. They're numbered in the order they'd sort of fit into the piece, with the Dies Irae starting off the piece, and either of the two Agnes Deis ending it.
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