Sacrificed Love
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-06-29 17:39
Subject: screencaps made by me
Security: Public
Tags:!masterlist, !resources, fandom: criminal minds, fandom: csi, fandom: dead like me, fandom: doctor who, fandom: heroes, fandom: mash, fandom: merlin, fandom: ncis, fandom: other, fandom: pushing daisies, fandom: sarah jane adventures, fandom: star wars, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: supernatural, fandom: the mummy, fandom: torchwood, masterlist: resources, resources: screencaps

You want to use the caps?
- credit me for making them!
- tell me when you post icons/wallpapers/etc... I'm always on the look out for them and just love looking at them. (this is optional though)

NOTE: The oldest uploads are .ace archives, followed by .rar archives. The newes uploads are .zip archives.
If you'd like them with a different extension (or on an upload site other than Megaupload), just ask and I'll try and upload it within a short time.
LINKS: I checked the links today (June 30, 2009) and they're mostly working. Anything with these {} are "temporarily not available". I'm hoping that they eventually will be again.
PHOTOBUCKET: I uploaded some of the screencaps I made to a photobucket account (that I specially made for this purpose). So any listing that's doubled with a photobucket account contain the same images even if the amount differs. I left images out (e.g. cast at the end with just text) and I deleted some again as I uploaded others (since I've reached the limit).

I cleaned the post up a bit and "exported" some information:
Update List
InterVideo WinDVD
ImageGrabber II

Criminal Minds )
Stargate: Atlantis )
Supernatural )
Heroes )
Doctor Who )
Torchwood )
Sarah Jane Adventures )
Taking Over The Asylum )
Dead Like Me )
Merlin )
Pushing Daisies )

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