Sacrificed Love
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-12-07 11:37
Subject: 71 icons
Security: Public
Tags:fandom: sarah jane adventures, fandom: torchwood, icons: stock

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

14x Torchwood 1x13 End of Days
2x Sarah Jane Adventures 1x08 Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane Smith Part 2
55x Stock (plants, Erfurt)
total: 71
Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.

icon2226.png icon2250.png icon2276.png

click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-08-08 12:53
Subject: Sarah Jane Adventures Screencaps
Security: Public
Tags:!resources, fandom: sarah jane adventures, resources: screencaps

I uploaded new screencaps! These are for the Sara Jane Adventures. I'm currently uploading Torchwood and Doctor Who caps. There are also several music videos and random episodes waiting as well as screencaps for Dead Like Me (which I'm still making)

Sarah Jane Adventures
1x01 Revenge of the Slitheen Part 1* (1626 Pics, 53.2MB)
1x02 Revenge of the Slitheen Part 2* (1643 Pics, 56.2MB)
1x08 Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane Part 2* (1698 Pics, 52.3MB)

Masterlist @ Screencap Post

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-06-29 17:39
Subject: screencaps made by me
Security: Public
Tags:!masterlist, !resources, fandom: criminal minds, fandom: csi, fandom: dead like me, fandom: doctor who, fandom: heroes, fandom: mash, fandom: merlin, fandom: ncis, fandom: other, fandom: pushing daisies, fandom: sarah jane adventures, fandom: star wars, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: supernatural, fandom: the mummy, fandom: torchwood, masterlist: resources, resources: screencaps

You want to use the caps?
- credit me for making them!
- tell me when you post icons/wallpapers/etc... I'm always on the look out for them and just love looking at them. (this is optional though)

NOTE: The oldest uploads are .ace archives, followed by .rar archives. The newes uploads are .zip archives.
If you'd like them with a different extension (or on an upload site other than Megaupload), just ask and I'll try and upload it within a short time.
LINKS: I checked the links today (June 30, 2009) and they're mostly working. Anything with these {} are "temporarily not available". I'm hoping that they eventually will be again.
PHOTOBUCKET: I uploaded some of the screencaps I made to a photobucket account (that I specially made for this purpose). So any listing that's doubled with a photobucket account contain the same images even if the amount differs. I left images out (e.g. cast at the end with just text) and I deleted some again as I uploaded others (since I've reached the limit).

I cleaned the post up a bit and "exported" some information:
Update List
InterVideo WinDVD
ImageGrabber II

Criminal Minds )
Stargate: Atlantis )
Supernatural )
Heroes )
Doctor Who )
Torchwood )
Sarah Jane Adventures )
Taking Over The Asylum )
Dead Like Me )
Merlin )
Pushing Daisies )

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